Supro Windmill Blade Adapter

Supro Trailer is the most professional manufacturer of the windmill blade adapter in the world, even our technology lead the international adapter market! Supro Trailer already have 3 generations (STBA-L-10, STBA-M-20 and STBA-H-30) of the adapter, we produce over 60 sets windmill blade adapters and customized transporter every single year! For more detail information, we welcome visit the production information "Supro Windmill Blade Transporter" or request a brochure of it from us.


Against on Supro STBA-L-10 working experience, Supro Trailer make a new generation of the adapter for the windmill blade transportation. In the first generation, STBA-L-10 use cylinders to jack up the windmill blade, but the STBA-M-20 use cylinders to pull the windmill blade and lift it us. It can improve the safety factor of the transportation!

Drawing of the STBA-M-20

STBA-M-20 windmill blade adapter drawing

Cylinders to pull the windmill blade to make the jake up function

windmill blade adapter

Working Video of STBA-M-20

Overview of STBA-M-20 with flange plate

windmill turbine rotor blade adapter

The power pack installs on the gooseneck

Slewing bearing for the rotation movements, between the hydraulic modualr trailer and the adapter. It is welded on the below transporter, and also fixed by special and big bolts and nuts.

windmill turbine rotor blade adapter

Supro windmill blade adapter can combine with Special low bed trailer and hydraulic modular trailer. We make 3 lines - 6 axles and 4 lines - 8 axles special low bed trailer for the windmill blade. And also we custmize 3.4m width hydraulic modular trailer with special spacer to do the transportation. The spacer is cutomized by many holes to load balance weight cargo such as Sand and Steel.

Spacer for windmill blade adapter

customized spacer for windmill blade adapter

Control panel and operation seat

Windmill blade adapter control panel

4pcs rotation pumps of the adapter

windmill blade adapter pumps

2pcs lifting cylinders after the flange plate and also the flange plate can make self-rotation movement to turnover the windmill blade. It can change the height of the whole transporter and avoid strong wind to improve safety factor.

windmill blade adapter lifting cylinders

lifting cylinders windmill blade adapter

Related links of the Supro Trailer:

1. Production information of the Supro windmill blade transporter

2. STBA-L-10 Windmill blade adapter

3. STBA-M-20 Windmill blade adapter

4. STBA-H-30 Windmill blade adapter

5. Production information of Supro windmill tower transporter
